Sunday 23 April 2023

Exercise 2-To demonstrate use of decision making statements such as if and if-else.

1. Write a program to accept an integer and check if it is even or odd.


void main()
 int no;

 printf("\nFinding giving no is even or odd:");
 printf("\nEnter the number:");

   printf("\n%d NO is even:",no);
   printf("\n%d NO is odd:",no);



Finding giving no is even or odd:                                              
Enter the number:4                                                             
4 NO is even:                                                                  
Finding giving no is even or odd:                                              
Enter the number:5                                                             
5 NO is odd:                                                                   

  2] Write a program to accept three numbers and check whether the
  first is between the other two numbers.


void main()
 int a,b,c,mid,min,max;

 printf("\nEnter first no:");
 printf("\nEnter Second no:");
 printf("\nEnter third no:");



Enter first no:20                                                              
Enter Second no:10                                                             
Enter third no:30                                                              
 3]Accept a charcter as input and check whether the character
 is digit.


void main()
 char ch;

 printf("\nEnter the charcter:");
 if(ch>='0' && ch<='9')
   printf("\n character is a digit between 0 to 9 charcters:");
   printf("\n character is not a digit between 0 to 9:");


Enter the charcter:4
character is a digit between 0 to 9 charcters:

Enter the charcter:A
character is not a digit between 0 to 9:

  4]Write a program to accept a number and check if it is
  divisible by 5 and 7.


void main()
 int no;

 printf("\nEnter the no:");

   printf("\n%d is divisible by 5 and 7:",no);
  printf("\n%d is not divisible by 5 and 7:",no);


Enter the no:35                                                                
35 is divisible by 5 and 7:                                                    
Enter the no:55                                                                
55 is not divisible by 5 and 7:                                                

  5] Write a program,which accepts annual basic salary of an employee and calculates
  and display the income tax as per the following rules.
  Basic:<1,50,000               Tax=0
     1,50,000 to 3,00,000   tax=20%
     >300000                tax=30%


void main()

 float tax=0,as,limit;
 printf("\nEnter the Annual salary of emp: ");

      printf("\nfor %f NO Tax: ",as);
 else if(as>150000&&as<300000)
 else if(as>300000)
 printf("\nOn salary: %f Tax is:%f",as,tax);


Enter the Annual salary of emp: 7000                                           
for 7000.000000 NO Tax:                                                        
On salary: 7000.000000 Tax is:0.000000                                         
Enter the Annual salary of emp: 200000                                         
On salary: 200000.000000 Tax is:18500.000000                                   
Enter the Annual salary of emp: 500000                                         
On salary: 500000.000000 Tax is:145500.000000                                  
6 ] Accept a lowercase character from the user and check whether
  the character is a vowel or consonant.


void main()
 char c;

 printf("\nEnter the lowercase character:");

   printf("\n%c charcter is vowel:",c);
   printf("\n%c not vowel:",c);

Enter the lowercase character:E                                                
E charcter is vowel:                                                           
Enter the lowercase character:e                                                
e charcter is vowel:                                                           
Enter the lowercase character:d                                                
d not vowel:                                                                   
1]Write a program to check whether gien character is a digit or character in
 lowecase or uppercase alphabet.


void main()
 char c;
 int ch;

 printf("\nEnetr the charcter:");

   printf("\n%c Character is digit:",c);
 else if(ch>=97&&ch<=122)
   printf("\n%c Charcter is lowercase Alphabet:",c);
   printf("\n%c Charcter is uppercase Alphabet:",c);


Enetr the charcter:A                                                           
A Charcter is uppercase Alphabet:                                              
Enetr the charcter:a                                                           
a Charcter is lowercase Alphabet:
Enetr the charcter:4

4 Character is digit:

Enetr the charcter:+

Special character:
 2]Accept the time as hour,minute and second and check whether the
  time is valid.


void main()
 int h,m,s;

 printf("\nEnter the time");
 printf("\nEnter hours:");
 printf("\nEnter minute:");
 printf("\nEnter second:");

    printf("\nTime is valid:");
    printf("\nTime is not valid:");


Enter the time                                                                 
Enter hours:22                                                                 
Enter minute:55                                                                
Enter second:33                                                                
Time is valid                                                                  
Enter the time                                                                 
Enter hours:26                                                                 
Enter minute:33                                                                
Enter second:33

hours is invalid:
Enter the time
Enter hours:22

Enter minute:61

Enter second:33

Minute is invalid:
  3]Accept any year as input through the keyboard.write a program
  to check whether the year is a leap year or not.


void main()
 int yr;
 printf("\nEnter the year:");

 if(yr%4==0 && !(yr%100==0))
    printf("\n%d year is leap year :",yr);
    printf("\n%d year is not leap year:",yr);

Enter the year:2017
2017 year is not leap year:                                                    
Enter the year:2018                                                            
2018 year is not leap year:                                                    
Enter the year:2019                                                            
2019 year is not leap year:                                                    
Enter the year:2020                                                            
2020 year is leap year :                                                       
  4] Accept three sides of triangle as input,and print whether
  the triangle is valid or not.(hint:the triangle id valid if the sum
  of each of the two sides is greater than the third side )


void main()
 int a,b,c;

 printf("\nEnter the sides of ABC triangle:");
 printf("\nEnter the  AB lenght in cm:");
 printf("\nEnter the BC lenght in cm:");
 printf("\nEnter the Ac lenght in cm:");

   printf("\nABC is valid triangle:");
   printf("\nABC is not valid triangle:");


Enter the sides of ABC triangle:
Enter the  AB lenght in cm:3

Enter the BC lenght in cm:5

Enter the Ac lenght in cm:6

ABC is valid triangle:

Enter the sides of ABC triangle:
Enter the  AB lenght in cm:0

Enter the BC lenght in cm:-2

Enter the Ac lenght in cm:

ABC is not valid triangle:
 5] Accept the X and Y co-ordinate of a point and find
  the quadrant in which the point lies.


void main()
 int x1,y1,x2,y2;

 printf("\nEnter Point A co-ordinate:");
 printf("\nEnter X co-ordinate:");
 printf("\nEnter Y co-ordinate:");
 printf("\nEnter Point B co-ordinate:");
 printf("\nEnter X co-ordinate:");
 printf("\nEnter the y co-ordinate:");


Enter Point A co-ordinate:                                                     
Enter X co-ordinate:1                                                          
Enter Y co-ordinate:2                                                          
Quadrant I:                                                                    
Enter Point A co-ordinate:                                                     
Enter X co-ordinate:-1

Enter Y co-ordinate:2

Quadrant II:
Enter Point A co-ordinate:
Enter X co-ordinate:-1

Enter Y co-ordinate:-4

First Quadrant: III
Enter Point A co-ordinate:
Enter X co-ordinate:4

Enter Y co-ordinate:-3

First Quadrant:IV

Enter Point A co-ordinate:
Enter X co-ordinate:0

Enter Y co-ordinate:0

/*Lab Course:1 Exercise:2 Set:B
  Example:6-Write a program to roots of a quadratic equation.
  Consider all possible cases.

#include<math .h>
void main()
 double r1,r2,a,b,c,dm,img,realpart;
// clrscr();
 printf("\nEnter the cofficent a,b,c:");
 else if(dm==0)
 else if(dm<0)

Enter the cofficent a,b,c:1


Enter the cofficent a,b,c:1


Enter the cofficent a,b,c:1


  Example:7-Accept the cost price and seeling price from the keyboard.
  Find out if the seller has made a profit or loss and display
  how much profit or loss has been made.

void main()
 int cp,sp,x;
// clrscr();
 printf("\nEnter Cost prize:");
 printf("\nEnter Seeling prize:");
    printf("\nProfit is %d",x);
    printf("\nLoss is %d",x);
Enter Cost prize:10                                                            
Enter Seeling prize:12                                                         
Profit is 2                                                                    
Enter Cost prize:20                                                            
Enter Seeling prize:15                                                         
 Loss is -5                                                                     
SET C Write programs to solve the following problems
1. Write a program to accept marks for three subjects and find the total marks secured ,
average and also display the class obtained. (Class I – above __%, class II – ___% to ___%,
pass class – ___% to ___% and fail otherwise)

void main()
 float m1,m2,m3,total,classs,avg ;
 printf("\nEnter 3 subject marks:");
 printf("\nTotal marks: %f",total);
 printf("\nAvg : %f%",avg);
 if(avg>=70 && avg<=100)
    printf("\nFirst Class with distinction.");
 else if(avg>=60 &&avg<70)
         printf("\n First Class");
      else if(avg>=55 && avg<60)
              printf(" Higher second class");
            else if(avg>=50 &&avg<55)
                    printf("second class");
                 else if(avg>=40 && avg<50)
                         printf("\nPass CLass");


Enter 3 subject marks:40                                                       
Total marks: 120.000000                                                        
Avg : 40.000000%                                                               
Pass CLass                                                                     
Enter 3 subject marks:55                                                       
Total marks: 165.000000                                                        
Avg : 55.000000% Higher second class                                           
Enter 3 subject marks:45                                                       
Total marks: 184.000000                                                        
Avg : 61.333332%
 First Class

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  Exercise 1 Set A . Apply all the three program development steps for the following examples.  1. Accept dimensions of a cylinder and p...